Home at last!

Well, Christmas break is officially here, which is so hard to believe. I can't believe that in less than a month I will be in Brazil with my team serving the people in the capital of Brasilia. I'm really excited about the opportunities that have come my way this semester. I've gotten to do so many things I never thought I would ever have the chance to do.

Well, first off, this past week I was blessed with the chance to go and fly with Dan Cathy on the private jet to do a Grand Opening of a new Chick-Fil-A with him. We started off at the Peachtree City hanger and took off from there to head to Ft. Lauderdale. We were there for about an hour and a half and  then we got back on the plane and headed  to Charleston, SC where the Grand Opening was taking place. I could talk for hours about this trip. We got to be on the radio, which was AWESOME. There's so much we took away from the trip and since there were only four of us on this particular trip, we each got to talk to Dan (he wouldn't answer if we called him Mr. Cathy or Mr. Dan....it was really hard to adjust to that haha) individually which was such a great opportunity. We all learned so much from  this amazing leader. He really lives out the Second Mile Service in every area of his life. He flies his own plane, we unloaded our luggage, he's such a servant and it was truly amazing to see that.
Well, I'm officially home for the holidays, which is exciting. There's so much I want to do over this break it's hardly going to feel like a break at all, but I'm going to force myself to relax alot, because I know I am in great need of it.

I cannot believe that this semester is over. It seems like just yesterday I was moving in and now I'm home for Christmas Break. Mainly when I realize that the year is half way done, I want to cry. And then at the same time, it makes me excited for what the future holds and wonder what else our group will go through this next semester. I can't believe everything I've learned, I can't believe the friends I've made, I can't believe the things God has taught me and shown me. I've really come to a better understand of who He is and His love for me. I think one of the biggest take-aways from this semester is passion for God that everything we've done has given me. Never again do I want to be comfortable with where I am. There's always something new that God can teach me and I always want to be look for that. I'm thankful for the trials I've gone through at IMPACT. Oh my....I can't believe I've lived in Pine Mountain for 4 months, I can't believe the experiences I've had and I can't believe the friends I've made. I am in awe of God and the doors He's opened for me. God is amazing. He is changing me and He is transforming my heart, which at times is painful, but it is so good and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

When I first was at IMPACT, I was there for what I could get out of the program. I was there for the things I wanted, not really for what I could bring to the program. Over the past 4 months God has completely changed that attitude. God has been changing my heart from one of self-centeredness to one of others-centeredness. Not to say that I am completely self-less...because that is not the case, but I can clearly see where God has taken away a lot of my selfish desires. It's a constant process, God always showing me new areas where I can become more others-centered. 

A huge answer to prayer is that God has given me the desire to serve. Since we've been going to Chick-Fil-A Corporate and going through the SERVE Model, I realized how self-centered I really am, and I've been praying that God would give me the desire to serve and that when I'm serving, it would be from the heart and not contrived or forced. And I believe that God is starting to answer that prayer, and not because I've seen it myself, I believe He is because of what others are saying to me. In people coming to be and telling me that they have seen this change in me, I really feel like God is transforming me in that area, as well as many others. God is good.

So, let's recap, shall we?
1. IMPACT is amazing.
2. God is teaching me so much.
3. Dan Cathy trip was such a great opportunity.
4. God answers prayers.
I love you all.

Singing Harmony,

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Project Stress, Relief, and Christmas Cheer :)

The past few weeks of my life have possibly been the craziest that I've EVER had. Our Brazil project was due this past week and I cannot ever begin to express to you all how glad I am to have that over with.

Things are fun and festive around here...Christmas parties and exciting opportunities.

Life is fun, and I'll write more when there's more hours in a day. :)

Singing Harmony,

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Reflect on God's beauty. That's what He's showing me today.

Block out everything else, and focus on Him.

Singing Harmony,

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Election Day!

Today is HUGE. It's exciting, it's a little mind-blowing. I voted when I was home on fall break...I stood in the freezing rain for over an hour. But I voted. Right now I'm in class - yeah I'm blogging in class - and we're having a discussion on voting and politics. I think that it's important for Christians to vote and I think it's important for Christians to be educated on what's going on in the country. 

About 10 of the girls here are fasting today for the election - myself included. I think it's really going to be a good experience for us as a group and as a community. We are living here together and we are experiencing a major change for our country. Many people have different views on politics and many people have different views on whether or not voting is necessary. I think that the next few weeks as we see the different things that happen in the political sphere, we will learn a lot about each other and a lot about.

Well, I'm going to go focus on class and on the content of today's topic. I miss everyone, but I know I'm where I'm supposed to be, and that's a very comforting thought. I know I'm doing what God wants me to do, and that puts my at peace.

Singing Harmony,

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Since coming back from fall break..I'm pretty much in shock. It's like IMPACT shock. I guess for me it's really setting in that this is real. This place, these people, everything. This is my life until May. I guess I can't exactly seem to get my head around it.  I feel like the place I am right now, is such a launching pad for my life...I think that there is so much I'm going to get out of the rest of the time I have here in Pine Mountain. 

There's been so much stuff going on and I can't even being to explain the things God's been going in my heart. It's an amazing thing and amazing process, but it's definitely a stretch!

Singing Harmony,

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Singing Harmony

I figured that I should probably explain what I mean by the actual title of my blog. :)

In trying to decide what to name this, I was thinking about what I was going to be writing about and what the content of the blog was going to be. The main thing that I decided I wanted to stress through this blog were the things that God's doing in my life and the things that He's teaching me, and more specifically, the ways in which He is leading me and guiding my life.  The next thing I had to consider was what phrase best expressed that. 

Being the musical person that I am, I thought about singing and all the different components that come with that. The main thing I thought of was harmony. When you are singing the harmony you are complimenting the melody. It makes the melody and the person singing it, sound better. You don't sing harmony on lead vocals though, it's always background. The person singing harmony makes everything else sound BETTER. 

That is my desire for my life. I'm singing harmony, and God is singing lead. I want to make His song sound better. I want to follow Him in whatever way He leads me. That's one of the key things about harmony, it follows the melody. The harmony compliments the melody, and that's what I want my life to be like. I want my life to compliment Jesus. I want it to be a reflection of who God is, but I can't really know who God is unless I'm following His lead.

God has taken me on quite a journey in regards to music and singing. God humbled me and showed me that the gift I have been given is for Him and I am to use it for His glory - not my own. I used to only want to sing melody and sing lead - these days, I can't stop singing harmony. :)

So, my desire for my life is to sing harmony with my Savior. 

Singing Harmony,

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Does God amaze you? He certainly amazes me. Right now I am in complete and utter amazement at where God has placed me and the things He's doing in my life. It's incredible. I'm amazed at the things He's teaching me. I'm amazed at the ways He's working in my life. And it is completely fair to say that I love every second of it. 

Sometimes I find myself complaining about so many trivial things. The weather, my hair, the food I'm eating, the cleanliness of my room, the speed of my hi-speed wireless internet connection, and then at some point I begin to listen to myself. I sound so selfish. I really feel like that's one of the biggest things that I'm working on right now. God is showing me how to go from self-centered to others-centered.

Singing Harmony,

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