What a week! :)

Well friends, this has been quite a week. Each week at school has been particularly challenging, but this week was definitely different. I think it has been possibly the most challenging week but also the best week. I think it's interesting how those two go together. 

After coming off such an incredible weekend, I started off this week with a new challenge: to love. To love those around me. To love the people its hard to love. To be intentional. Love is an action. We associate it with feelings [thank you, culture] but love is not always a feeling. Love is an action and love is a choice. So I went into this week with the mindset of intentionally loving those around me. Well I know that I'm getting somewhere because the opposition of the enemy was very intense, but what the Lord is teaching me is incredible. 

The confirmation for this next paragraph is almost overwhelming to me - but it is there, believe me! God's shown me, in several different ways, kind of what he is doing in my heart and life right now. [so cool! I know!] Matthew 7:24-27 talks about building your house upon a rock - not on sand. Well I have come across this passage three different times and each time it stuck out to me, and I finally asked the Lord why and he told me. 

God is building/strengthening my foundations right now. At this point in my life there aren't many times that I can clearly remember God asking me to do [what appear to me as] radical things. As I look back on the things he has asked of me, most of them make sense to me, but that is because now that I am on the other side of them, I see the purpose. This semester [and possible the next one too] God has called me to walk with him in a new way. I've said it before, but every single security I had here at school has been stripped away - and then some! Even the small sense of safety I felt that I had with some people here is now gone too. Where does that leave me? With Christ, and with Christ alone. 

I am currently walking in a season of life that is completely foreign to me but the things God is teaching me....I wish you could see the smile on my face when I talk about it. I'm going to try to sum it up as simplistically as possible, partially for your sake, and partially to see if I can actually do it! ;)

My life right now is full of an unreal amount of peace and an amazing amount of difficulty. God has placed me in a place where I am walking through these trials with out a physical hand to hold - but I know without a doubt he is right beside me through it all, maybe even carrying me. God is strengthening my foundations and he is preparing me for what is to come. Something challenging is ahead - it always is - but the Lord is strengthening me to endure whatever it is. That in itself is reason enough to praise him. 

Okay, so maybe that wasn't as simplistically as I had thought - but hey, I can't really contain what God is doing into one little sentence! God is so good, so faithful and so constant. He never fails! :)
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