Greater than Me

I do this a lot. I type up a good three or four paragraphs and then decide that I don't like the direction the post is taking, so I highlight the whole thing and hit the delete key and start all over. Now you are all caught up on the last 9 minutes of my life. 

I've kind of been listening to this song on repeat nonstop for the last few days. And I think my roommate is about ready to kick me out because of it. I just love it. It really has helped me this week. 
And they are actually coming to play at a UChurch this week...which I'm excited about. But anyway, the part of the chorus that says, "Whatever you're doing, inside of me, it feels like chaos but somehow there's peace" is SO my life right now. Everything around me is ridiculous. God has taken away every little security I had here [but I've talked about that at length here] but I'm learning from that and because of that I am growing closer to the Lord. 

I don't really know what my purpose is in writing today. I just felt that I needed to write...something. What I do know, is that I am having to be more ways that one. I also know that whatever God is doing in my life, it is for a greater purpose than I can currently see. It is for a purpose that is bigger than me[yay for good songs with great lyrics]. 

Singing Harmony,

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