Letting Go

Well friends, I'm done. I am letting go/have let go of something that I have held on to for SO long.  

Your prayers would be appreciated on this matter. A few of you who might possibly read this will know exactly what I'm talking about while others may be completely clueless. But whether or not you have knowledge of this matter, you can pray. 

If you have ever had to let go of something you have held on to for such a long time, you know how hard it is. I'm releasing it to the Lord, it is not mine. 

My life is in his hands and I have been reminded of something I actually say quite often: my life is not my own. My life is to glorify the Lord. His ways are better than mine. His plans are far better than my own. 

I don't fully know what life without this looks like. I guess I'll find out.

Singing Harmony,
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What a week! :)

Well friends, this has been quite a week. Each week at school has been particularly challenging, but this week was definitely different. I think it has been possibly the most challenging week but also the best week. I think it's interesting how those two go together. 

After coming off such an incredible weekend, I started off this week with a new challenge: to love. To love those around me. To love the people its hard to love. To be intentional. Love is an action. We associate it with feelings [thank you, culture] but love is not always a feeling. Love is an action and love is a choice. So I went into this week with the mindset of intentionally loving those around me. Well I know that I'm getting somewhere because the opposition of the enemy was very intense, but what the Lord is teaching me is incredible. 

The confirmation for this next paragraph is almost overwhelming to me - but it is there, believe me! God's shown me, in several different ways, kind of what he is doing in my heart and life right now. [so cool! I know!] Matthew 7:24-27 talks about building your house upon a rock - not on sand. Well I have come across this passage three different times and each time it stuck out to me, and I finally asked the Lord why and he told me. 

God is building/strengthening my foundations right now. At this point in my life there aren't many times that I can clearly remember God asking me to do [what appear to me as] radical things. As I look back on the things he has asked of me, most of them make sense to me, but that is because now that I am on the other side of them, I see the purpose. This semester [and possible the next one too] God has called me to walk with him in a new way. I've said it before, but every single security I had here at school has been stripped away - and then some! Even the small sense of safety I felt that I had with some people here is now gone too. Where does that leave me? With Christ, and with Christ alone. 

I am currently walking in a season of life that is completely foreign to me but the things God is teaching me....I wish you could see the smile on my face when I talk about it. I'm going to try to sum it up as simplistically as possible, partially for your sake, and partially to see if I can actually do it! ;)

My life right now is full of an unreal amount of peace and an amazing amount of difficulty. God has placed me in a place where I am walking through these trials with out a physical hand to hold - but I know without a doubt he is right beside me through it all, maybe even carrying me. God is strengthening my foundations and he is preparing me for what is to come. Something challenging is ahead - it always is - but the Lord is strengthening me to endure whatever it is. That in itself is reason enough to praise him. 

Okay, so maybe that wasn't as simplistically as I had thought - but hey, I can't really contain what God is doing into one little sentence! God is so good, so faithful and so constant. He never fails! :)
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Peace & Chaos

Surrender can look so different at different times in your life. And at this point in my life, it looks different than it ever has before. I know that God has called people to give up everything in order to follow him. I mean, when he called the disciples they walked away from everything; everything that had been expected of them their whole lives, they just walked away from. All in order to be obedient and to follow the Lord - no holds barred. 

There have been times in my life that I have prayed for the Lord to completely invade my heart and my life and to completely consume all of me. I prayed that my life would be glorifying to the Lord and that whatever it took to take me there, I'd do it. I would walk the path, I would weather the storm. Well, let me just tell you, the first time that I remember praying that exact prayer at 15 or 16, I had no idea what that would actually look like, and to be honest, if I had, I don't know that I would have prayed that. But looking back, I'm glad I did.

This season of life is so difficult and so trying. I know that God is working in my heart and in my life - I can see that and I can sense the change that is happening inside of me. I am starting to see the Lord answer prayers that I prayed a long time ago and I had no idea that the answer to prayers that, in their essence are so good and pure, would be so hard. But now that I am seeing the result, it makes sense. And let me just tell you, it is not exactly a walk in the park. 

But God is good. I think I have said that in almost every single post the last six months. I am seeing the purpose of walking through these trials. I am seeing the purpose of the Lord strengthening my foundations. I see SO much purpose. I know that Lord is working and I know that ultimately, all these things will work together to bring glory to the Lord, and that  truly is what I want.

So I'm pretty much back where I started. I'm surrendering. I'm surrendering all of me. All my hearts desires - all of it. I'm listening to what the Lord is telling me to do and where he is guiding me. I'm waiting on his perfect timing because I am constantly reminded that his ways and his plans are far better than my own. I'm walking with the Lord in a whole new and intimate way. I'm working on some other posts about the things that God has been doing in my heart - and I can't wait till I can fully form the words to express it :) it has been pretty neat. 

Walking with the Lord is an adventure every day and I honestly never know where the day will end up. Today I've ended up on my couch in my apartment just soaking in the presence of the Lord. I am resting in the comfort that he brings. My heart is at peace in the midst of chaos. It's a beautiful thing.
Singing Harmony,
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Oh National Geographic...

Has anyone ever asked you what you would do if you could do anything? Regardless of talent or location, opportunity or money, what would you do? Well, I've never really had a good answer for that question. Now I do. I would want to be a National Geographic photographer. Now obviously I do not have the skill needed for that, but they get to see and travel to all the AMAZING places. They get to go to the most beautiful places on earth during the most beautiful times of the year!! 

Oh, you don't believe me? Okay! Let me show you!!
Those would be of Australia!

Those would be of Thailand!

I really could post like a million more, but I really should pay attention, cause class just started :)

Singing Harmony,
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Greater than Me

I do this a lot. I type up a good three or four paragraphs and then decide that I don't like the direction the post is taking, so I highlight the whole thing and hit the delete key and start all over. Now you are all caught up on the last 9 minutes of my life. 

I've kind of been listening to this song on repeat nonstop for the last few days. And I think my roommate is about ready to kick me out because of it. I just love it. It really has helped me this week. 
And they are actually coming to play at a UChurch this week...which I'm excited about. But anyway, the part of the chorus that says, "Whatever you're doing, inside of me, it feels like chaos but somehow there's peace" is SO my life right now. Everything around me is ridiculous. God has taken away every little security I had here [but I've talked about that at length here] but I'm learning from that and because of that I am growing closer to the Lord. 

I don't really know what my purpose is in writing today. I just felt that I needed to write...something. What I do know, is that I am having to be patient...in more ways that one. I also know that whatever God is doing in my life, it is for a greater purpose than I can currently see. It is for a purpose that is bigger than me[yay for good songs with great lyrics]. 

Singing Harmony,

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Your Great Name

So sometimes I just get really tired of studying, and right in the middle of all that reading, I find myself off thinking about a million other things. It's a talent of mine. :)

Well, lately I've been listening to this Natalie Grant song, which is AMAZING. It is very, very powerful. It's called, "Your Great Name", and it talks about all the things that happen at the sound of the Lord's name. I have two favorite lines, one is "The enemy; he has to leave; at the sound of your great name." I get chills every single time. And the second is, "Sick are healed, and the dead are raised, at the sound of your great name" 
Listen to it. It's amazing. I guess what I've been thinking about today is how we should NEVER forget the power that we have been given in Christ.

 This semester has already taught me so much, but it has also reminded me of several things as well and one of those things is so vital to my life right now: I can do so much more when I rely on the strength of the Lord than when I rely on my own power. This year has already been full of challenges, but it has also been a time for the Lord to draw me closer to him. He is changing my heart, He's showing me so many new things and He's continuing to show me what He is calling me to, and it's a beautiful experience. Not always fun, but beautiful. God is good, He is so so good to me.

Singing Harmony,
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The place that holds such a huge part of my heart...Agua Viva, Brasilia!

I miss this.

Pricilla...a child whose faith and boldness for Christ knocked me to the floor.

The orphanages....precious children who just wanted to be loved.

Miss you, Brazil.
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Peaceful & Breaking Heart

Oh my. What a whirlwind. God is so so good and so faithful. I don't know why I even consider questioning that. 

God has been moving in my heart the last 3 to 4 days and I can honestly say I am just in awe. I love it when things finally start to fall into place. I'm still waiting and seeking the Lord, but as of this moment, it seems to say that the Lord is pointing to India. That could change, but my initial sense of things is that. 

God is...I mean, there just aren't even words. My heart just wants to leap out of my chest sometimes. I get goose bumps and tears come to my eyes when I think about what an opportunity that would be. If it is to happen, it would so obviously be God. I just know that. It would take a lot of things falling into place to get me there, and it would absolutely be a God thing. 

My hearts desire is to go and to serve, but in all honesty, it's not really up to me. It's up to the Lord. And as of now, I truly do release it to Him and place it FULLY into His hands. I honestly have no power over this. There are things that seem to point to it: things that people have spoken over me, desires in my heart, etc. But it is in the Lord's hands, and that is where I shall leave it.

The Lord is amazing. He has so much purpose in all things. He is faithful and mighty and just. Tonight, my heart is at peace, and in another way, it is unsettled, but not in a bad way. It's unsettled and breaking for the girls who are still trapped in that terrible industry. And when I feel the sense of justice rising up inside of me, I hear that still small voice saying, "Be still, and know that I am God." and he says, "Know that I am with those girls. Know that I am watching over them." 

God is good...and far more amazing than words can describe. 

Singing Harmony,
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God is good. He is so good. This semester is full of challenge, surprise, and change. 

Everything in my life seems very up in the air right now, but when I really think about it, it's not at all. The more people I talk to, the more I see a theme in people's lives right now. Purpose. There is purpose is EVERYTHING that we are going through. I can see the purpose in the hard things, which in turn, makes the hard things not so hard. 

Life is so interesting. I am in a such a different place than I thought I would be at 20. I don't know what I find more funny, the fact that I'm not where I thought I would be or where I thought I would be. I always saw myself in a very different place: one of the biggest differences, I thought I would be in a relationship. I always said that I wouldn't date until college and yet here I am, in college, and still very single. No don't misunderstand, I am VERY much okay with this. Life is just a funny thing. God has such a different plan than we do. I get this whole idea of what my life will look like and then it turns out completely different; but in the end, it's always better that way than my way. His ways and his plan is so much better than mine. 

God is teaching me a lot of things right now. But at the core of everything is that He is in control no matter what. He tells me to surrender, why? Because He's in control. He tells me to trust him, why? Because He's in control. He tells me to be patient with certain things and in certain situations, why? Well because He is absolutely, totally, and completely in control. :) Surrender is so hard, but so necessary for me right now. 

God is so good and He knows SO much better than me. This semester is SO different than I thought it would be...so so different. It is absolutely crazy. But every single day I see more and more purpose and more and more reasons why He has placed me where He has. Knowing there is purpose and knowing that I can serve the Lord and bring Him glory in these situations gives me peace and comfort, even in it gets really hard.

It's late. I feel like this post is a bunch of random thoughts all strung together. Oh well. :)

Singing Harmony,

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