I kind of feel like that's what we do with our lives. We title them. We box ourselves in to this list of things or a theme that we want to stick to and we get caught up in that instead of actually living out our lives. It's like when we plan out how with think our lives will go, just to find out that God has a completely different plan for us. And let's be honest here, no matter how much we say we don't plan our lives, we at least have an idea of where we hope they will go. But God changes that.
I've found that in my life, if I try to plan, generally what happens is the exact opposite of what I planned. Let's give a few examples, shall we? Okay, first I was dead set on going to college right out of high school and I was completely against a gap year. What did I end up doing? A gap year. When I finally came around and got on board with the gap year I wanted to take that time and really figure out what God wanted me to do with my life, more specifically want I wanted to major in during college. Did He show me what my passions are and what I want to do with my life? Yes. Can those be translated to a college degree? Well if you find a college that let's you take How to be a Good Wife and Mother 101, please inform me. I set out to Lee planning on nailing down a major my first semester here. It's second semester now....and what does it say on my record: UNDECIDED.
So here is what I have learned: STOP THE PLANNING. It's frustrating and it's pointless. God will show you the plan when you need to know it. Be listening for it, be waiting for it, but don't rush it. It'll get you know where. God doesn't respond to the 5 year-old technique of tugging at a parents pants until they give you their full attention and you get the answer you want. He waits patiently for you to release your life and plans to him, and then slowly but surely he will show you.
Be expectant for what God is bringing, but don't be impatient. And be content with where God has you, but not complacent and think that where you are is good enough. Stay in a place of expectancy and contentment, not one of impatience and complacency.
Singing Harmony,
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