I've been thinking a lot about being myself lately. What does that look like and who I am. And also, how to not let others opinions influence me and my stance on things. Now, some of the things on this list I'm about to embark on making are shallow and silly, but some have a bigger meaning. But all of this is part of me. You'll see! :)
1. I like Lucky Charms and yes I know there absolutely no nutritional value in them. I mean, come on it's marshmallows in cereal....how do you not love that?! They are magically delicious. And the rainbow is my favorite marshmallow, because even in a silly thing like lucky charms, I am still reminded of the promise God made when he created the first rainbow in the sky. :)
2. I don't match my socks. EVER. I think it makes life a little more enjoyable and fun. I mean, everyone matches their socks....be a little different, don't give in to peer pressure, don't conform to society!!! haha. Okay, maybe the last one is a little bit extreme, but still. Be different.
3. I like cats. Yes, cats. The animal. The creature that God created. I don't care if you call them the spawn of Satan, or you call them devil cats. I love them. And just as a side note to call you cat haters, you probably shouldn't call a part of God's creation a spawn of Satan...I'm just saying. ;)
4. I like the rain. I like before it rains, while it's raining, and after it rains. It makes me think about life and how storms will come and stuff will get hard, but one day the rain will clear and the sun will shine and everything will be beautiful again. I probably like the rain because God's taught me a lot of hard lessons when I was actually IN the rain. Also, everything it's raining, I want to either do one of two things: 1. Go play in it and jump in puddles. or 2. Go run it in. I wanna grab my iPod and tennis shoes and go run! I love it. (disclaimer: I still reserve the right to complain about the rain from time to time haha)
5. When I sing, I don't wear shoes if I can. For me, music is what takes me into God's presence. To me, it's Holy ground.
6. I like to eat healthy and I do like to exercise, but when I want to, I'm going to eat a cookie. Or a piece of cake, or something. I love chocolate.
7. I hate it when girls don't feel beautiful and comfortable in who they are. I want to help girls understand that God made them beautiful, and he loves them the way they are!! It's something I'm finally coming to grasp. People are beautiful to me. My friend told me the other day that she didn't know an ugly person, and I began to think about it, and I realized, I don't either. I love to beauty in people. I want God to continue to let me see people the way he does.
8. I don't wear make-up half the time, and when I do it's pretty light. I love going natural. I feel free, if that makes sense. I don't ever want make-up to become a crutch for me. I don't ever want it to become something I hide behind. Make-up is NOT bad at all. I like it. But for me, I never want to hide who I am behind a pretty face of make-up. I want make-up to enhance the beauty God has given me.
9. I want to face hard situations and react with joy and hope to see what God is going to do. That's my desire, and with God's help, I'm slowly getting there.
10. I just want to be myself. I never want to compromise who I am because of the people or circumstance around me. I want to always be me 24/7.
Singing Harmony,
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