
So the first semester is almost over....when did that happen?! I'm pretty sure this has flown by....but the next 2 days are going to take forEVER. No joke.

Well, this weekend I got to go spend time with the one and only Katy Thompson, Lyndsay, and 3 of the current students, Charles, Nate, and Kim. :) It was basically fantastic. It was so cool to talk with them about IMPACT and the things they are learning, about Brazil, and everything I had learned. I'm pretty sure I haven't talked that much in a long time because I ended up losing my voice, great huh? :)

I can't believe how long ago it actually was from when I was in their place....I remember it so clearly and at the same time it feels like it's a million years behind me. I can't believe how much I've grown since a year and a half ago.....crazy isn't?


Singing Harmony,

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The Beauty of Love

I had to write something for my humanities class, and I have no idea if I am completely off base on this, and it's entirely possible, and probable actually, that I am. So I would love your feedback, negative and positive.

The Beauty of Love
            Who is to say that true love is something few can experience? Love is something that everyone desires. Look at what modern culture promotes: power, money, fame, and love. While those things, according to our culture, are great, they are nothing without love. So how is someone to acquire love, and furthermore, who is to say what love truly is? Who has the ultimate say on what love is? God is love. So how does someone find that love? His love is reflected in his creation, and the ability to reflect on that is innately human. The ability to love, and appreciate love is, also, innately human. The human beings are the only creatures that have the capacity to say what love is, express it, and truly experience it in the way that God intended. Love is beautiful. Love and how it is experienced and expressed is something that only humanity can do and experience.
            What is it about watching a sunset, walking under snow covered trees at Christmastime, seeing the flowers bloom in the spring, riding horseback through the breath-taking mountains of Colorado, feeling the wind blow through your hair on beaches of Mexico, or just holding hands while sitting under the stars on a clear summer night that makes a person fall in love or want to fall in love? Why is it that these experiences are associated with love? Why is it that being outdoors in God’s beautiful creation stirs a desire for love, both to love and to be loved? It is possible that seeing and experiencing these things has a deeper effect on humanity than most would admit.
            Being outside and seeing God’s creation, for many people, stirs in their hearts the desire for love. Why? Well possibly because God created the world, and God is love. God loves every living thing that is on the earth, and if God created all of them in love then love itself is a part of creation. It seems only natural that when a person reflects on what God has made, that they will have a desire to love and be loved. Why would it not work that way? It is hard to imagine someone seeing the most beautiful sunset off the cost of Puerto Rico and then come away from it saying, “I’m bitter and angry towards the world.” Surely seeing a sunset or sunrise would stir something in their hearts that goes deeper than their own bitterness and hurt. When a person steps outside and truly admires the beautiful creation that God has blessed the world with, that love that is in creation shines through that and the innate desire for love shows itself.
Is not love something that every human desires? Whether or not it is admitted, or even acknowledged, and whether or not they ever actually “find love”, as culture commonly phrases it, it is something that is truly desired by all. Not only romantic love, but also, love from a friend, and ultimately, love from God; the love that surpasses all. Every part of God’s creation points to Him. He created the world to show his glory. Would it not be a slap in the face to God to say, “I hate ladybugs”, or “I don’t like it when I have to go outside”, because in a sense, that is saying, “God, I hate your creation.” Did God create the world so humanity could admire it from behind a glass window? No, he did not. God made creation to be experienced, and through creation he is glorified, and through his creation, he shows us love, and not just any love, the most beautiful love that exists. This love goes far beyond the stereotypical love of the latest romantic comedy. This love is the greatest love of all; it is a love that humanity will never be able to fully comprehend while on earth. Creation shows the love of God, a love which all desire, a love that is beautiful.
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Rainy College Days

I love Lee's campus when it rains. I know most people hate those gloomy days, but I love them. I think a lot on rainy days. I love walking in the rain. For some reason rain makes me feel alive. I love feeling the rain hit my face. My new favorite thing since I've come to college has been running in the rain. It's rained a lot up here, it actually poured a couple of weeks ago. And guess what I did, I went running.

That week had been particularly hard for me personally, as I struggled, and continue to struggle, with what I'm doing here. I was really upset, about what I don't quite remember, and so I heard the rain begin to pour down and I was like, I'm going! So I did. I put my iPod in on shuffle, and I step out of the bottom door of my dorm and I took off running. It didn't take long before I was soaking wet. It was a pretty surreal time because in my head it was like a scene from a movie. I've got the music blaring in my ears and I'm running and I begin crying in the rain, and I'm talking to God, more like yelling at Him in my head. As soon as I started running I said, "Okay, God. I need some answers. I'm not going to stop running until I have some." Scary thing to say, right? Yeah tell me about it.

So I run, and I run, and I'm running all around campus and I'm soaking wet at this point. And I just kept asking God why.  Why in the world am I in college? What am I doing here? Why did You tell me to come here? Why haven't you told me what you want me to do? WHY, God, WHY?!?!?!?!?!? And the rain had stopped to a light sprinkle, and the clouds were starting to pull back as I ran over by the library. I sat down on one of the benches and kept praying and going God, is this really where you want me? And then I sat there, in tears, and I began listening to the song that was playing on my iPod. And it was a BarlowGirl song and this is what it said:

"Good morning
The night is over and gone
I thought once
This dark would last for so long

Feel the sunlight
On my face
You have brought me
Through this place

Jesus, Jesus You found me
Through the long night you led me
You set me free

Do you see
Just what you've done in my life?
You gave me
More then I hoped for; now I

Feel your sunlight
On my face
You have brought me
Through this place"

You Led Me by BarlowGirl

When I started listening to the song, it was on the first verse, and when it got to the pre-chorus of "feel your sunlight on my face" it was like something from a movie. I was sitting there listening to tears, and when it said sunlight, the clouds pulled back on the sun shown right through the trees directly on to my face. The timing could have only been God. And then I listened to the song all the way through and I came out with the following conclusion.

God's brought me here. He's brought me to Lee, He's got a plan for me. I have no idea what that is, but hey, I know He directed me here. He clearly showed me that...and it was amazing! :) I love it when God shows me in ways like's always so memorable.

Singing Harmony,

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Be Near, Oh God

Most of you reading this are well aware of my love for music, and also, how often God speaks to me through music. Well there is this song by Shane & Shane that has been on my heart basically since I got to Lee about a week and a half ago. It's called "Be Near". It was a huge comfort to me, and I've tried to right about it, but honestly, I can't say it any better than the song already does. And if you've not heard it, I strongly, STRONGLY, encourage you to do so right now by clicking here! So here we go.

"You are all
big and small
and wonderful
to trust in grace through faith
but i'm asking to taste...

for dark is light to You
depths are height to You
far is near
but Lord, i need to hear from You

be near, oh God
be near, oh God of us
Your nearness is to us our good
be near, oh God
be near, oh God of us
Your nearness is to us our good, our good

Your fullness is mine
revelation divine
but, o, to taste
to know much more than a page
to feel Your embrace...

for dark is light to You
the depths are height to You
far is near, but Lord
i need to hear from You

be near, oh God
be near, oh God of us
Your nearness is to us our good
be near, oh God
be near, oh God of us
Your nearness is to us our good, our good"

-Be Near by Shane & Shane

It's simply amazing. It's been a huge comfort to be being here at Lee. I love you all.

Singing Harmony,

Category: 1 comments

Out of the mouth of a 4 year-old....

Well I've mentioned my next door neighbors before. I absolutely adore them. Abbey just turned 4 in July, which is so hard for me to believe, because I've known that family since her older sister turned 1!! I have so many memories with that family. I even remember when Angie told me that she was pregnant with Abbey.  So all that to say that I love this family so much.

Well, I moved into my dorm room on Friday, and so on Thursday I went over to their house to tell them goodbye. And when I walked in Abbey was running around - she has constant energy, sometime I'm positive there is Red Bull in that apple juice. ;) Well, I said, "Abbey, come here and give me a hug!" And so she came skipping over, her cute little curls bouncing around her shoulders as she did, and she nearly knocked me over with the force of her hug. As she leaned back from hugged me she leaned in to give me a kiss, and being the little four year-old that she is, all that she has seen of kissing is her mommy and daddy kiss. So she leans in and kisses me on the lips, leaving her colored LipSmakers on my face, and when she pulls back she put her arms around my neck and looked intently into my eyes and says, "Morgan, do you have a boyfriend?" And I looked right at that little face, which was grinning at me, and I looked at that smile, which contributed to her sparkling eyes and little dimples on her cheeks, and I said, "No, Abbey, I don't." And she leaned in toward my face, eyes sparkling, and she said so confidently, "He'll find you!" It was very matter of fact, and after she said it she leaned back and bounced away to be energetic and share her joyful little self in another part of the house. 

I sat there amazed at how God can speak through a little child. When I told that story to one of my guy friends here at school, he said, "Little kids can be so prophetic." And they so can. My four year-old neighbor did not know that I had been thinking about relationships and marriage, she did not know that I had been seriously asking God why He hadn't brought that person along yet. And yet, she leans in to my face and says in a very matter of fact way, "He will find you." And I was speechless. But I seriously believe with all my heart that those words were from God...speaking through my four year-old neighbor. 

I was reminded just moments ago of the things that I have to appreciate in God right now. Things I DON'T have to wait for. I dear, dear, dear, friend of mind reminded me that in Christ, I have all I need. Every need, every desire, every longing to feel wanted and to have the attention of a Godly man, all of it and so much more, must first be found in Christ before He can give it to me in that person He has created for me. And she put it so beautifully, and perfectly, this way:

"He must wholly have my heart before another may seek it out.
He is worthy of my devotion, my trust, my whole attention, my patience.
He alone will satisfy my heart’s cry to be cherished, and to be prized."

Right now I am continuing to learn about full dependency on Christ. Finding my fulfillment in Him, which, when you are on a campus where, as my roommate and I are realizing, many people come to find The One, it's pretty stinking hard to keep your eyes fixed on Christ.  But I'm learning, sometimes it's a day to day thing, and sometimes it's a second to second thing. It's hard, but what I know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that I am honoring Christ by waiting on the one. By waiting for Him to bring that person to me. I know that. And what's even more, is that God has said wait. He specifically told me that right now, it is not the time. So I'm learning to patiently wait on the Lord. 

My life kind of reminds me of the While I'm Waiting song by John Waller. I'm waiting on the Lord. I'm seeking Him on many things right now, but while I'm doing that I'm serving, I'm loving, and I'm working on being a light for Him on this campus where I see so many hurting people. 

I'm learning so much right now...and classes haven't even started. College rocks. ;)

Singing Harmony to the King of Kings, 

Category: 3 comments

The place is insane. I can't believe I'm here. In a way it feels surreal and in a way it's possibly the saddest thing ever. 

First, it's exciting because well first of all, I LOVE my roommate, which is such a relief. We get along really well and we just click - huge answer to prayer!! And I love the campus, I love my room, I'm even excited about the actual school work itself. The campus really is beautiful...and I'm really looking forward to living here...even though I'm living in hicksville! Like I'm not even kidding...I saw a lady at walmart today who had a mullet. 

Second, being enrolled in college, having a room, getting my books, going through orientation, all of's constanty reminding me that life is moving so fast. I have three years left...and then I'm out of college. And in the grand scheme of things, that's not that long. I guess the past two days have been like a wake up call in a way. I'm kind of an adult and I'm living three hours from home.  I'm so scared but excited at the same time.

Singing Harmony, 

Category: 2 comments
As the move in date for college is quickly drawing closer, I can't help but feel sad. I know that college will be an adventure and I know that God has a plan for me at school, but words cannot begin to express how deeply I desire to be going somewhere familiar. Starting all over again is just scary to me. I know that I will meet people and make friends, but goodness, if I could just go to something familiar. The unknown is just....well it feels so unpredictable. I want something familiar, but I know that in following Christ we will not always be returning to the same place. We won't always know what we are getting into, or where we are going for that matter. I know that following Christ is rewarding and an adventure, and hard, but sometimes easy would be nice. But when things are easy, you don't learn anything. You don't get to experience trusting Him to take care of you. You don't get to rely fully on Him when you have some form of control over your life. I'm heading off to college. I'm getting a new roommate, I'm getting all new people to know, I'm starting my college experience. Goodness gracious. Crazy scary...but crazy fun. So I'm ready, but I'm sad too. I know this post has been me going back and fourth arguing about how I feel going off to college....I'm so ADD. I need to decide how I feel and stick to it. ;)
Category: 2 comments

The Motions

It's so true that life is a journey. I really can't accept that it's anything else. There is constant change and this has shown me yet again that there is a constant need for dependence on Christ. This summer has definitely not been anything like I thought my summer would go...especially this summer. I had my summer planned out in my head. I knew what I wanted to do, what I wanted to learn, and all the things I wanted to accomplish. And while I've done a few of those things...this summer has been completely different than what I had planned. The past few months have been so hard, so challenging, and SO frustrating. I've been disappointed and let down more times than I expected. I've faced challenges that I never expected to face. I had to face things that I thought I had dealt with a long time ago.

As most of you reading this know, I adore music. It is a huge part of my life, and it always has been and probably always will be. Well anyway, yesterday I was driving home from work and I was really challenged by this song by Matthew West called The Motions. I had heard it before, but I don't know that I really took the song in and listened to every word and thought about what it meant. It really challenged me to look at things differently. And I realized that for a large part of this summer I've just been going through the motions...and I hate that. I hate the rut I seem to have fallen into. There are a lot of contributing factors that are beyond my control that have pushed me to the state that I am currently in, but I am slowly beginning the climb back up to where I truly want to be. And it has been so refreshing.

God has been giving me melodies and words and I sit at the piano and try to find the notes that fit, and those times have been some of the most amazing times ever. I love it. Am I a seriously talented musician? Absolutely not. But do I love Jesus Christ and am I playing and singing for Him? 100%. It's been such a sweet time with me and God. He's been showing me how He truly is holding me...even when I feel so incredibly alone. He's been showing me how He will constantly provide when I trust Him. He has been showing me His amazing power, love, and faithfulness.

I think the line from the song that has been speaking to me the most at the moment is "take me all the way". It's so powerful. All wrapped up into one line, it says so much. I want Christ to use me, I want Him to break me, I want to be fully surrendered to Christ in a way that I've never known. I don't wanna be going through this life mindlessly. I do not wanna go through the motions, like the song says, I want Christ's all-consuming passion inside of me. I want to give everything to Christ. I want to be in full surrender. It's not going to be easy, and it is definitely not going to be comfortable....but hey, no one said this was going to be easy. But it is what is best. It's where I need to be.

Seriously guys, go watch this video. It's amazing.

Singing Harmony,

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I don't even know what to think or feel right now. I am so beyond confused.  I am ready for school. I'm ready to get out of this bubble of a town and be around people my own age again. I'm ready to focus on school.  August, will you hurry up already?!
Category: 1 comments

Every little girl's dream...

God has recently been teaching me a lot in the area of relationships. I'm not in one, but I'm definitely learning a lot about them. Also, it's wedding season, and there are weddings going on and people getting engaged left and right. In the last year I've been to or been invited to at least 7 weddings. A ton of people are starting THAT new phase of their life and then there's me. Still single, and to my surprise, every content to be there. Now, with all the weddings and things God has been teaching me, relationships and marriage has been a topic I have been thinking a lot about. And yesterday I learned something about those very things. 

I went over to my neighbor's house to return a CD I had borrowed, and when I rang the doorbell I was greeted by the two little girls that live there. One is 8 and the other is almost 4. And when they came to the door they were all dressed up - hair, make-up, the works! - and i realized that I had come for dress-up hour, but not just any dress-up hour, it was wedding day! I went into the house and the girls gave me hugs and told me they were getting married. And I began to observe them in a different way from that moment on. The oldest was wearing a beautiful white dress that went to the floor, her hair had been carefully pinned back to the best of an 8 year-old's abilities, and her make-up had been diligently applied. She looked beautiful. She was wearing shoes with sparkles and some delicate jewelry. And she told me that I was just in time for her wedding, and that she had been getting ready and was really excited. As she told me that she spun around and showed me her dress and her eyes sparkled as she told me she was marrying Prince Aladdin. And I said, "Oh! You are! How wonderful! And, you're dress is GORGEOUS! I love it. You are a beautiful bride." And as I gave her those words she had obviously been wanting to hear, I watched her eyes sparkle and her posture got a little better and she walked taller. She felt important and valued, and - BEAUTIFUL. 

By this time, the youngest had waited to talk to me as long as she could! She burst out and began to tell me that she was getting married TOO! And that she was her sister's maid of honor, and that her sister was hers too. She then began to lunch into her wedding plans, telling me that she was marrying Prince Eric and that her outfit was different from her sister's cause she liked this one better. She was wearing more of a medieval looking outfit mixed with a lady pirate costume from halloween that her sister wore a few years ago. She looked absolutely adorable. She then told me about her make-up and how she had put on the lipstick - which was really just colored lip-gloss, and how her sister had done her hair with a flower in it, and as she told me she turned so I could carefully examine every detail of her face, hair, and outfit. And as I complimented her just as I had her sister, her smile went straight to her eyes and she got so excited she did a little spin in her outfit, making her skirt twirl out, and she said, with great enthusiasm, "I can't wait to get married!!" 

They invited me to stay for the wedding and so, of course, I stayed. I went upstairs to talk to their mom and they said they were going to go have the rehearsal and that they would call them when they were ready for guests. And after they called me half a dozen times, I finally went back downstairs and received instructions from the other room to sit on the couch. And I did as I was told and then I heard the announcement, "The wedding is starting....NOW!" And then I heard the clicking of their shoes on the hardwood floors in the foyer and then I saw the oldest, who was getting married first, come in with her sister carrying the train of her dress,  and turned to face me. She told me that her prince is standing in front of her. Then she sent her sister back to the foyer multiple times, first to be a flower girl, then a ring bearer, and then finally, the maid of honor. When her whole bridal party had entered, she looked at her invisible prince and said "okay we are married now, let's go to the party!" At the "party" she through the flowers to me and her sister and danced for a minute and then it was time for the second wedding. And it went basically the exact same way. 

As I sat on the couch watching two little girls who I have watched grow up, 'get married', I noticed the way they smiled, the way the youngest got so excited to be a bride. When the weddings were over they both run up the stairs and told their mother that they got married. I realized that I never truly understood how much little girls desire to feel beautiful. To them, the wedding was about one thing, beauty. They wanted to be beautiful. They loved feeling special. I sat and watched this beautiful picture of innocence and I began to pray for them, that God would protect that in them. I guess I didn't realize how early on it is shown that it's every little girl's dream to be beautiful.

Singing Harmony,

Category: 3 comments


A few weeks ago I started interning at a church in my area. And let me say that it is by far the coolest thing I could have done this summer. I could not have asked for a better group of people to be working with since I left IMPACT. It has been wonderful and incredible and I am working with AMAZING people. I was seriously doubting that there were going to be cool people outside of the IMPACT world...and yes I do understand how ridiculous that mindset was.

God has placed a team of people in my life this summer to be my support system in the crazy town I live in, and I want to tell you about them because I think that they are basically the coolest thing since IMPACT :). First off, the staff I'm working with! Shane and Bryan are the two youth pastors - the church is huge - and they have been such an encouragement to me. They truly want to come beside me and help me learn. I appreciate it so much. They are funny and goofy, but also, they know when it's time to be serious, and they are amazing at doing that, too. Then there is Jonee' - the assistant student minister - she is amazing. She's 30 and really wants to get to know me and invest in me. How cool is that?! She is hilarious...and she tells it like she sees it and I love that. Then there are the two other interns - INCREDIBLE guys! J-Mac! That crazy boy. He's working on his masters at Liberty and is an insane dancer. His attitude is so chill and so calm that it's wonderful. He keeps me grounded when I want to freak out, actually both of them (the guys) do that. Speaking of the other one, that would be Matt. He's awesome. He and J-Mac both know how to calm me down...which as most of you know is an important skill to have. Matt is my age and he goes to Shorter College. Matt is the middle ground between my personality and J-Mac's. I'm the more detailed person and the more upbeat kind of person, J-Mac is the chill, laid-back, whatever kind of person, and Matt, well he's the middle. He finds a great balance of both.

I love this summer. I love the people God has placed in my life. I love what he's doing. Life is amazing. God has placed some huge blessings in my life...and I could not be more surprised and what they have brought to my life.

Singing Harmony,

Category: 1 comments

New Obstacles

I certainly new that coming home from IMPACT would be hard, but I never really imagined it would be this difficult. I miss IMPACT so much. Satan definitely has me under attack, which is awful. I know we are to consider it joy when we face trials of any kinds, but I must say that it is so easy for me to lose that joy these days.

There's new things I'm currently facing. New challenges on the horizon. New problems to solve. And if I wanted to be super cliche, new mountains to climb. I know, corny right? But it's true. Mountains don't have roots. It's in the valleys when the rain comes and when you grow. I'm certainly learning a lot, that is for sure.

I have nothing else insightful to say, not that the previous paragraphs were.

Singing Harmony,

Category: 1 comments

Stuck in Neutral

Since coming back from IMPACT 360, I have found myself in a very weird mindset. I'm not in drive, I want to be going full force ahead, but I'm not. I'm not in park, because I'm not just sitting here doing nothing and being content with that. I guess I'm in neutral. I'm just rolling along, very slowly. 

Since coming back home, I've noticed that I really want to slip back into old habits. I find myself slipping in to complacency, when everything in me is screaming and wanting to stop it. It's like I'm caught in this cycle of the Bubble. The "Bubble", Peachtree City, the place where almost everything is at surface level. It's like a black hole, and it's rapidly sucking me in. I want to fight it with everything in me, but I feel paralyzed, helpless, and immobilized. 

I'm stuck, I don't want to be where I am. IMPACT has made me discontent with the definition of life people around me seem to be living by. After reading Pickett's blog, I realized she verbalized exactly what I've been trying to. People are content with existing and surviving...not LIVING. So I am trying to live in a place where living is not really living, but just surviving. Trying to make it through, trying to get by. No one seems to really enjoy life anymore. It's like it's a chore. A requirement. Not something that people love. I think that people, especially Christians,  have lost their love of life, and lost sight of why they are living. 

So, I am stuck in neutral, trying to get into drive. I am fighting complacency, and trying to discover a way to live in a place where living, true living, is not normal. I want to redefine what living looks like to the people around me.

Singing Harmony,

Category: 1 comments

Too many thoughts, too little time

At the start of this post it is 3:03 a.m. and I cannot sleep. I considered getting up and continuing to pack up, but that just depressed me. I cried for a little while, the end of IMPACT is pretty much the saddest thing I have EVER thought about. And right about now I would pretty much just prefer to never leave this place. I have an the most amazing and life-changing year, and I never would have imagined it. I've learned so much, I've grown so much, and God has taught me so much. Goodness, how about I saw "so much" a few more times. I guess that's what I get for posting this late at night...not a whole lot of diverse vocabulary coming to mind.

But right now what I'm currently thinking about is the next few days. We have class and just time to hang out. And honestly, I want to just cry the whole time, well I don't particularly WANT to, but that is probably what will happen. All day today I've been crying on and off. I've been packing up my room, which feels like packing up my life. I don't like putting things in boxes, it feels like the end, and maybe because it is. Ugh, it's awful. I honestly do not know how I am going to make it through the summer without these people right beside me. At this point in time it is so hard to even imagine being happy somewhere else. I love it here. I love the town, I love the people in the town, I love my class, I love the staff, I love this campus, I even love the work we do. So basically, I just love IMPACT 360. 

Right now my entire IMPACT life is all over the floor of room 17. From homework assignments, books, hand-written notes and craft supplies, to speeches, hangers, and even to jewelry, my life is everywhere. Tonight I cleaned out my desk...and now everything I'm still keeping is on top of it. I also cleaned out under the sink...and that was gross, but now it is really clean. I also put away all the clothes I won't need from now until friday in boxes. Oh my gosh, so depressing. I hate it. I hate leaving and I hate saying goodbye. I know that change is necessary and I know that it is needed sometimes, but that does NOT mean that I have to like it or be excited about it, because I'm not. Not at all, and not this change. Other changes - maybe - but not this one. This one is just plain AWFUL.

Leaving is just plain awful. Goodness, one of my top strengths is positivity and here I am being all pessimistic. Oh well. I'm too far into this mindset to change it right now. All I know is that I want to spend these last few days with people. I never want to be alone. Goodness, I am surely going to miss this place.

Singing Harmony,

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Endings and Beginnings

As I sit here, I cannot believe that IMPACT is drawing to a close. It seems like such a short time ago I was stressing about what to do for the fall of 2008 and here I am, getting ready to gear up for summer of 2009! It's basically insane! 

Coming to IMPACT has been the best decision of my far anyway! This place has prepared me in so many ways, but at the same time, it's also shown me that I have SO much to learn. Which is actually really exciting to me. I'm excited for the summer...whatever that may bring. And I'm excited for the fall...which will bring some interesting things. I have decided to attend Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee. I'm really looking forward to it. It's going to be an amazing experience for sure. 

Man, IMPACT is ending and summer is beginning. Right now, it's basically impossible to imagine leaving here and moving makes me cry so hard and makes me realize how much I will miss this amazing atmosphere and community that's been building over the past nine months. I love these people....I honestly do. They, while we all come with our little quirks, are amazing and I truly do love them.

It's hard for me to say I'm excited about the summer, because that means leaving here....but I think I'm getting to the point where I can truly look forward to what the Lord is going to bring. Backing up will be hard, saying goodbye will be awful, but actually driving away...that will be the worst. But I know that there are seasons in life, and right now, the leaves are changing.

Singing Harmony with my King,
