The Motions

It's so true that life is a journey. I really can't accept that it's anything else. There is constant change and this has shown me yet again that there is a constant need for dependence on Christ. This summer has definitely not been anything like I thought my summer would go...especially this summer. I had my summer planned out in my head. I knew what I wanted to do, what I wanted to learn, and all the things I wanted to accomplish. And while I've done a few of those things...this summer has been completely different than what I had planned. The past few months have been so hard, so challenging, and SO frustrating. I've been disappointed and let down more times than I expected. I've faced challenges that I never expected to face. I had to face things that I thought I had dealt with a long time ago.

As most of you reading this know, I adore music. It is a huge part of my life, and it always has been and probably always will be. Well anyway, yesterday I was driving home from work and I was really challenged by this song by Matthew West called The Motions. I had heard it before, but I don't know that I really took the song in and listened to every word and thought about what it meant. It really challenged me to look at things differently. And I realized that for a large part of this summer I've just been going through the motions...and I hate that. I hate the rut I seem to have fallen into. There are a lot of contributing factors that are beyond my control that have pushed me to the state that I am currently in, but I am slowly beginning the climb back up to where I truly want to be. And it has been so refreshing.

God has been giving me melodies and words and I sit at the piano and try to find the notes that fit, and those times have been some of the most amazing times ever. I love it. Am I a seriously talented musician? Absolutely not. But do I love Jesus Christ and am I playing and singing for Him? 100%. It's been such a sweet time with me and God. He's been showing me how He truly is holding me...even when I feel so incredibly alone. He's been showing me how He will constantly provide when I trust Him. He has been showing me His amazing power, love, and faithfulness.

I think the line from the song that has been speaking to me the most at the moment is "take me all the way". It's so powerful. All wrapped up into one line, it says so much. I want Christ to use me, I want Him to break me, I want to be fully surrendered to Christ in a way that I've never known. I don't wanna be going through this life mindlessly. I do not wanna go through the motions, like the song says, I want Christ's all-consuming passion inside of me. I want to give everything to Christ. I want to be in full surrender. It's not going to be easy, and it is definitely not going to be comfortable....but hey, no one said this was going to be easy. But it is what is best. It's where I need to be.

Seriously guys, go watch this video. It's amazing.

Singing Harmony,

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