I learned a lot over that trip, but when people ask me what I learned or what God did in my heart, I am at a loss for words. The things that really moved my heart and the things that really changed me aren't things that are easily described. I experienced the power of God in amazing ways and I got to see firsthand how the Lord just poured out his spirit on people who were as dry and thirsty as the ground of the Sahara. I got to see a young girl's eyes move from a place of sadness to a place a happiness, at least for a time. I got to experience God's healing power as he instantly healed me of sickness.
So I ask you, how do I begin to describe these things in mere words? Where do I begin to try and put words to something that is beyond them? How do I begin to describe the power of God? I am at a loss, yet I will try anyway, even though I feel that no matter how many times I re-write, it will fall short of the actual experience itself, no matter how hard I try. In a way I like that, there is something so powerful in an experience that cannot fully be explained. And at the same time I wish I could download the mental pictures of these things from my heart on to this page.
The first thing that comes to mind when people ask me about the trip is this precious 12 year old girl. She was the daughter of the pastor we were working with in Beirut. God blessed me with the opportunity to have many one-on-one conversations with her and I feel so incredibly blessed to see what God was unfolding in her heart and life. I got to see a girl who had sad eyes when we arrived smile with joy that wasn't there before. I pray for her often, because I was blessed to see part of the work God is doing in her heart.
There was a lot of spiritual warfare on this trip for me. The enemy really tried to use a lot of different situations and circumstances to get to me, and I also got sick. On the night of our last concert I was unable to hear out of one of my ears because my head was so stuffy. Well, let me tell you, it's really hard to see if you are on key when you can't hear yourself out of one ear! Right before the concert, me, my mom, and Bill were praying and as Bill prayed for me, I swallowed and all of the sudden my ear was completely clear. I stopped Bill from praying and said, "Okay, we're good!" God is so good and faithful, and when we has a plan for you, he will remove or help you over the obstacles that stand in your way.
FInally, on Monday night we got to go back to the Logos Hope (we were also there on Friday night). We had been asked by some of the crew members to come and do some workshops and have a night of worship for the ship's company. This was at the very end of our trip and it was the day before we were leaving and let me just say, we were tired. But again, God never fails. Like I already said, these people were like dry thirsty ground and God came and poured out his spirit and his peace and his power on that place, those people, and that night. God filled our entire band and as he filled us, it overflowed to the crew. There was one moment in particular that stand out: we were over halfway done with the night and we're singing and playing and people are worshiping in so many different languages and God just came and overwhelmed us to heavily that people were falling to their knees and on their faces. All of the sudden all of the band stops playing and is on their knees, I stopped singing on mic and went to my knees, and Bill went to his knees with one hand still on the keyboard trying to play something. It was the most precious time of worship I have had in a long time. These people came away feeling to refreshed and renewed and I am so blessed to have been given the opportunity to be there.
Even as I re-read that previous paragraph, the words are so insufficient to what actually happened. I loved the trip so much. I love the way it was so different than any other trip and I love the way it challenged me. I love what God taught me, and I love what he's still doing in my heart as a result. God is so good.
Singing Harmony,
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