As the move in date for college is quickly drawing closer, I can't help but feel sad. I know that college will be an adventure and I know that God has a plan for me at school, but words cannot begin to express how deeply I desire to be going somewhere familiar. Starting all over again is just scary to me. I know that I will meet people and make friends, but goodness, if I could just go to something familiar. The unknown is just....well it feels so unpredictable. I want something familiar, but I know that in following Christ we will not always be returning to the same place. We won't always know what we are getting into, or where we are going for that matter. I know that following Christ is rewarding and an adventure, and hard, but sometimes easy would be nice. But when things are easy, you don't learn anything. You don't get to experience trusting Him to take care of you. You don't get to rely fully on Him when you have some form of control over your life. I'm heading off to college. I'm getting a new roommate, I'm getting all new people to know, I'm starting my college experience. Goodness gracious. Crazy scary...but crazy fun. So I'm ready, but I'm sad too. I know this post has been me going back and fourth arguing about how I feel going off to college....I'm so ADD. I need to decide how I feel and stick to it. ;)
Category: 2 comments


Jon Jon Wesolowski said...

Welcome to the club.

Bethany said...

We're all in the same boat. No fears. You will always have a bit of familiarity, whether in the jungles of Africa, or a new college. You will always have the familiar Word of God. a challenge I pose to you though is to scrape past the surface of familiarity. Because ... well... familiarity is boring. And we were created for drama!! :)