New Obstacles

I certainly new that coming home from IMPACT would be hard, but I never really imagined it would be this difficult. I miss IMPACT so much. Satan definitely has me under attack, which is awful. I know we are to consider it joy when we face trials of any kinds, but I must say that it is so easy for me to lose that joy these days.

There's new things I'm currently facing. New challenges on the horizon. New problems to solve. And if I wanted to be super cliche, new mountains to climb. I know, corny right? But it's true. Mountains don't have roots. It's in the valleys when the rain comes and when you grow. I'm certainly learning a lot, that is for sure.

I have nothing else insightful to say, not that the previous paragraphs were.

Singing Harmony,

Category: 1 comments


Cameron said...

Hey Morgan,
Leaving Impact was hard. I probably didn't let on as much, but it was tough. Keep growing as you can. I've been lucky and have found a group of college kids at the church we're going to who are interested in discussion and learning.
I'm excited about this summer, but more excited about the alumni reunion!