Lebanon Update

This place is amazing. It absolutely floors me everytime I look out my window and see the Mediterranean Sea. It is breath-taking pretty much everytime I look.

Yesterday afternoon I sat out on the balcony and had some good precious time with the Lord. I sat there drinking my hot tea, listening to my iPod, reading my Bible, and journaling all while looking out on to the Mediterranean Sea. Talk about AMAZING.

Most of our time here has been spend rehearsing, sightseeing, and then so far we have done one chapel service in a school. The school was a really neat experience in itself. It was a catholic school and it was pretty much an all girls school. People here just stare at me, and I'm not talking about just a passing glance, I mean they will just look and look and look for like five minutes - and that's no exaggeration. We asked Milad, our contact here, why they all keep looking at me. He said it's because I have blonde hair and blue eyes - I don't know why I didn't think of that reason in the first place. So basically, I'm a novelty over here, so people just stop and stare. Thank goodness we are traveling with a great group of guys - so I don't think anyone will be approaching me anytime soon. :)

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. We're going to be doing three big concerts and I'm actually going to be leading two songs - AH! I can't believe it. Bill just asked me to do another one tonight - Here I Am to Worship. When you think about the words - it's totally a Christmas song. LOVE IT. At the beginning of the week I got really intimidated because this band is full of absolutely amazing musicians, and here I was having to ask for help to hear the harmonies. I was literally in tears before our first performance at the school. But God is good and I am surrounded by people who are encouraging and with God's help - I'm going to nail this harmonies.

This literally feels surreal, and I don't think that I am going to fully be aware that it actually happened until I come back. I cannot express to you the sense of urgency that I still feel for this country in this time. I was not aware of the fact that Lebanon is a country that has been through so many different times of war. The whole city of Beirut is in a stage of rebuilding and there are huge construction projects happening all over the city. It's amazing - but sad at the same time.

Today we went sightseeing and it was beautiful - but I'll have to write about those things later, because it is 11:41 pm here (4:41 pm at home) and I have to get to bed because we have to be up for breakfast at 7:30 in the morning - it's gonna be a long, but wonderful day - I can just tell :)

Singing Harmony,
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