Well, I don't have a bunch of National Geographic pictures to accompany this post. I don't have fancy words or some beautiful and eloquent outline planned in my head. What I do have is an overwhelming sense of compassion, love, and justice.
India is calling me guys. I want to go and I want to go now. I know people who have gone and people who are going over to India to help get girls out of the sex-trafficking industry and helping them cope with the hurt and pain that comes with what they've been through. And right now my heart cries to the Lord, "SEND ME NOW!". I want to go. I want to serve and I want to share the love of Christ and the power of his name with girls who are hurt and broken. I want them to know the redeeming power of God. I want them to be free of that bondage and the baggage. I want to share truth with them and I want to love on them. I want to serve the Lord.
I am so DONE with American culture. It honestly drive me crazy. I hate facebook. I truly do. I wish I could get rid of it and still successfully communicate with all the people I need to right now, but I can't. I tried. I hate how selfish I can be. I hate how consumer driven our country is. It's all about what can I gain, what can I get, what I can do. Well dear friends, this life is not about you OR what you want. It's about the Lord and His purpose for you. And yes, I want to go to India because I feel like the Lord has given me a love and a heart for the hurting and I want to use the gifts He's given me for His glory.
I want to go and I want to go now. I wish the Lord was telling me to NOT go to school on Sunday and pack up and head off to India for the next 6 months. That would be incredible. But that's not what He's saying, and as I have learned over and over, the Lord's timing is perfect and it is the best. So I will wait - but when He says go, I am ready.
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