Singing Harmony

I figured that I should probably explain what I mean by the actual title of my blog. :)

In trying to decide what to name this, I was thinking about what I was going to be writing about and what the content of the blog was going to be. The main thing that I decided I wanted to stress through this blog were the things that God's doing in my life and the things that He's teaching me, and more specifically, the ways in which He is leading me and guiding my life.  The next thing I had to consider was what phrase best expressed that. 

Being the musical person that I am, I thought about singing and all the different components that come with that. The main thing I thought of was harmony. When you are singing the harmony you are complimenting the melody. It makes the melody and the person singing it, sound better. You don't sing harmony on lead vocals though, it's always background. The person singing harmony makes everything else sound BETTER. 

That is my desire for my life. I'm singing harmony, and God is singing lead. I want to make His song sound better. I want to follow Him in whatever way He leads me. That's one of the key things about harmony, it follows the melody. The harmony compliments the melody, and that's what I want my life to be like. I want my life to compliment Jesus. I want it to be a reflection of who God is, but I can't really know who God is unless I'm following His lead.

God has taken me on quite a journey in regards to music and singing. God humbled me and showed me that the gift I have been given is for Him and I am to use it for His glory - not my own. I used to only want to sing melody and sing lead - these days, I can't stop singing harmony. :)

So, my desire for my life is to sing harmony with my Savior. 

Singing Harmony,

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