Joy & Peace

When some people write they have these lovely little ways to start off their stories. They cleverly come up with a creative way to lead in to what they are going to say. Well, I'm generally not one of those people, so here we go...

Today I'm flooded with a strange mixture of emotions. One of my best friends is officially on her way to South Africa. She's on the plane right now flying somewhere over the ocean. Three years is a long time. So much will happen over the course of the next three years. That very thought makes me both incredibly sad and excited.  I will/do miss her and I will not deny that it will be an adjustment to not be able to pick up the phone and call or text her. But God is more than sufficient.

When I think about the "sad" part of this it sounds so selfish. This is probably due to the fact that it is. I want her here with me. I want here in the same time zone. I want her on this continent. But what I want more than all of that is for her to follow where the Lord is leading her - and she is! I could not be happier. And right here is where we transition into the joyful side of this.

Many things make me happy, but this is something that brings me joy. I'm a incredibly empathetic person (anyone reading this already knows this fact very well). Most people think of empathy in relation to sadness (Don't confuse empathy and sympathy! But that's another topic for another time...). Empathy also comes in with happy situations. I literally rejoice with my friends. I rejoice with my friend in this new journey! I am so excited for her.  I have such a peace in my heart and I know and trust that she is following where the Lord is leading her. Knowing that one of my best friends is doing what she loves, using the passions and gifts God has given her, in a country she adores fills my heart with peace and joy. Those things far exceed the sadness I feel.

Hanna's flying across the ocean and while I definitely have (and will probably continue to have) my moments where I cry and miss her, I rejoice with her and for her in this new opportunity. I cannot wait to hear the things God is doing in her heart and in her life. God has provided for her and opened the door that she (and I) have been praying for. 

Like I said, it's a strange mixture of emotions. Even in the midst of all this I am reminded that God has provided for me, too. While her friendship is most definitely irreplaceable(and I wouldn't dream or even want to ever try!), God has brought some new people in my life to walk with me through this next season - and especially this summer. This summer will probably be the biggest adjustment to her being gone and I am thankful that the Lord has placed people in my life to walk with me and also push me towards Him in the process. I'm blessed and I'm grateful. 

God is good. I'm am at peace. I know I will see her soon; July 1st is just around the corner...

Singing Harmony,
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Life Lessons

I went to a funeral today and I walked away once again with a feeling of inspiration. I generally do walk away from funerals feeling inspired to go out and actually do something with my life, but this one was different for some reason. I walked away feeling inspired, yes, but also, with a small glimpse of what I want people to say about me when I'm no longer here.

I was reminded of the importance of seeking after the Lord, of telling people how much I truly do care, and remember that life is short - so say what matters, don't take yourself too seriously, and LIVE. I feel like so often we get caught up in making it through this life and we lose sight of what it means to actually live. We are not put on this earth to live hell to go to heaven. We can have joy and freedom in Christ, now I'm not at all saying that this life will be super easy, not by any means, because honestly, it will not. If you didn't already know that, I'm very sorry, but welcome to the reality of this life. Life is hard; but God is good. At the end of the day, if your focus is on him and on him alone that is where you will find all that you need.

So I caught of glimpse of the person I want to become. I caught a glimpse of how short and fragile life is. I was reminded of the beauty of God's love and all-encompassing grace. I was blessed by the life of a man I never even knew.

So here's what I'm taking away from today:
1. Say what matters. Tell people about Jesus - It's a matter of life or death. Say I love you - and mean it, you don't know when God will call you home. We are not promised tomorrow - not to be morbid, I'm just being real. 
2. Love people. This kind of goes back to the "say I love you" rant I just got off of, but seriously, love people. One of the biggest compliments I can get is that I they feel loved by me. Christ loved people - so should we. Love people and love them well.
3. Live. Don't take yourself too seriously and get caught up in the daily things that drag us down. Don't lose sight of the fact that we have life in Christ. This life is fleeting - so live out every moment that we are given. Like I said, we are not promised tomorrow.

Maybe you find this all a little to clique. I'm okay with that. You might find this far to predictable, and I'm okay with that too. 

Singing Harmony,

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I Would Die for You

I currently have 5 unfinished posts that I've been working on for over a month. Every single time that I sit down to write something, I hit a block - a big one. In all honesty, it's a God-sized block. In all things, God's timing is perfect. This song captures a part of what God's doing in my heart. My favorite line in the whole song is in the very first verse, so don't miss it. It says "And I pray that you will use my life, in whatever name your name is glorified, even if surrendering means leaving everything behind."

Singing Harmony,
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