
These are 3 amazing friends of mine, and I am so grateful for them! One of them I have known her whole life - almost 19 years! And the other two I have known over 8 years. They are fantastic people and I am so incredibly thankful that the Lord has placed them in my life for so long.

You know the kind of people who just get you and love you for you? The ones that pour into your life and when you leave them you feel refreshed? These are those kinds of people.

We went to a braves game for my birthday, the game got delayed over 2 hours and we didn't get to see any of it, but we had so much fun just hanging out and talking. I'm very grateful for these three tonight.

I've recently been reminded of the importance of having yourself surrounded with good solid people who will pour into you and hold you accountable. Because I'm working this summer, the majority of the time I'm surrounded by people who aren't pouring into me, and I've found that pretty hard. And then when I am around any of these three, I find that I am refreshed and relaxed and that my spirit is at peace. They are great people. 

I can honestly say that each and every one of them has helped me through MULTIPLE hard times in my life. They have ALL gotten phone calls when I'm sobbing, and they have all been there to pray for me and to lift me up. These three are the three who know my little habits, what I do when I'm upset, when I'm truly excited about something, and my real smile from my fake one. These are the ones I pick up the phone to call when I have good news to share. They are the ones that I text to say, "oh my gosh, I just had the most ridiculously funny thing happen to me". These are real, true friends. And I am so grateful for them.

We laugh a lot. Laughter is so good. For some reason tonight I feel like going on and on about how much I appreciate these three. But I think you've got point by now.

Singing Harmony,
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Just a Bad Day

You ever have those days where just about everything DOESN'T happen the way you want it to? Well, that was my day.

It started off at 6 a.m. when I got up to get ready for work. I was running late for work, hit some red lights and barely made it on time. My hair was having one of those "I don't care what you want to do with me, I'm gonna do what I wanna do and you are just gonna have to deal with it" kind of days. Just gotta LOVE those. I trimmed off a little of the gum tissue of one of the plaster models I was making [I work at an orthodontist office in the lab....which is why I was trimming models and currently discussing gum tissue]. And I wasn't supposed to trim off. Whoops. Live and learn.

Got off work at 5 - LONG DAY. Had to grab some dinner before heading off to my college algebra class. I was gone for the first two days of classes because of my family vacation, which the professor knew, so it was okay. I get to Moe's in PTC and I order my food after a very long discussion with the guy behind the counter about what I should get, only to discover that when I get to pay I have $3 and some change and NO credit card. Whoops. Yep. So the nice guy gave me my $6 and something meal for $3.17. Yay for nice people.

I get to school, eat my dinner, and go inside to talk to the people about getting a parking pass. Come to find out I need to make time in my already to busy schedule to make a trip to the beautiful town of Morrow, GA -which is a solid 45 minutes away- to get a pass [and by beautiful I mean sketchy]. I find my classroom and wait for other people to start coming in. When they finally do I ask about the homework and what I missed the week before. And the girl I asked very emphatically, and with a few choice words, told me how much homework we had been assigned this last week and this week.

To make a long story shorter, the teacher was a sub for the day, she went so fast and I barely understood anything the whole first hour(I almost cried during class, not even kidding), I didn't have my computer - which I needed - and, to top it all off, it started pouring down rain. One of the guys in my class stepped out for a smoke break and came back and said that the entire front row of parking was flooding, and where was my car parked? Of course, in the front. I asked if I could go move it and she said yes. Good thing I did too because the water was well above the half-way point on my front tire. My shoes got soaked through, my pants where wet almost up to my knees because the water was so deep and I was drenched.

I have to get up in 6 hours and work tomorrow, and I have 7 sections of homework and 2 quizzes due Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. 

I think it's pretty safe to say that today was just not my day,

Singing Harmony(or trying to anyway),
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