
I have realized something about myself. I am very good at investing where I am....and it get really hard for me to let go of where I am. I know when it's time to move on, but it's hard for me. I guess it's just a testament to how much I care for my friends and all the people around me.

I started packing up my room at school today and let me just say that it was a lot harder than I was anticipating. I'm sad because something that has been a big part of my life this past year is ending. Yes, I'm coming back, but with different roommates and suitemates and it's really sad to me. Change is hard at times....I'm not really a huge fan of change but I know it's necessary. Just being the kind of person I am and caring as much as I do, change can be hard. But it's okay. I know that the change is good, and I know that the change is necessary.

Singing Harmony,
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I know, it's been awhile. I need to get back into the habit of's very theraputic for me.

Well, what have the last two month been like? Well up until recently they have been absolutely fantastic. They really have. I have an amazing group of friends and I am really loving being where I am. I know I'm where I'm supposed to be. But the last two weeks have been really hard, and they have been hard for absolutely no particular reason at all. Everything has been going great and there shouldn't be anything to upset me, I mean, I finally declared a major for crying out loud, I should be shouting from a mountain top! But I'm not, and I don't know why.

It wasn't until a few days ago that I really think I'm realizing what's been going on. I have no idea why I didn't see it before, but I'm still not entirely sure what it is, but that will all make sense in time. So stick with me.

When you are seeking the Lord, and you are truly following Him, the enemy will try to attack you in some way. If you aren't seeking the Lord and doing His will, Satan has nothing to be concerned about. But if you are following Him, He's going to use you, and Satan is not going to like that very much. Well, that's where I've been and I'm starting  to see how Satan attacks me, specifically, how he attacks me at school.

My heart is for the Lord. My heart is to seek Him with all that I have. I love journaling, I love spending time with Him, I love reading my Bible, and I love learning about God and from Him, too.  That's who I am. I am a daughter of the Lord. That is who I am. And I know that and I will walk in the confidence that gives me.

Singing Harmony,
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